Before you take the Vaginal Health Quiz

Before we start the symptom checker, there are some specific symptoms you may have which we already know mean that you should see a doctor.

If you have any of the following, please make an appointment with your GP or visit a Sexual Health clinic:

Could you have an STI? If you have any of the following symptoms, especially if you have a sexual partner who has symptoms of an STI, please seek advice from your local sexual health clinic

▪ A discharge or odour from the vagina that has blood or pus in it

▪ Pain around the pelvis

▪ Bleeding from the vagina that is not normal

▪ Pain deep inside during sex

▪ Sores, bumps or blisters in the vagina, anus, or mouth

▪ Burning and pain with urine or with bowel movements

▪ A rash

▪ Warts around your vulva or anus

▪ Fever, headache, swollen glands

If you have blood in your pee or you bleed after having sex, you should visit your GP. If you are over 50 and have a new vaginal discharge, you should visit your GP.

Important note: This quiz is not a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional and therefore does not replace your healthcare professional's advice or an appointment with your doctor.

This symptom checker tool cannot and is not intended to give you a medical diagnosis. Should your symptoms persist, get worse or if additional symptoms are noticed, please immediately seek professional medical attention.