Vaginal pH Bundle
Vaginal pH Bundle
Test, take Ultimate V then test again! Power-up your Vaginal pH to potentially help combat smells, itches and burning.
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Sexually Transmitted Infections -Do I have an STI?

Take our vaginal health quiz now, designed as a vaginal symptom checker to help you work out what might be going a bit wrong with your vaginal health.
STIs include a range of conditions caused by bacteria, viruses, and parasites, such as:
Human papillomavirus (HPV)
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
Genital Herpes
Understanding the symptoms and methods of prevention is crucial in managing sexual health and reducing the spread of STIs.
STI Symptoms
It is important to note that symptoms can vary hugely depending on the STI that you may be experiencing. Some symptoms of STIs may include:
-Small sores on your vagina, or around your bottom – these are usually painless and you may only have one of them.
- Sores in other areas, including in your mouth or on your lips, hands or bottom.
- White or grey warty growths most commonly on your vagina or around your anus.
- Flu-like symptoms, such as a high temperature, headaches and tiredness.
- Lower abdominal pain.
- Painful or burning urination.
- Discharge from the penis.
- Unusual or odorous vaginal discharge or unusual vaginal bleeding.
- Pain during sex.

Preventing sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is crucial for maintaining sexual health and overall well-being. Effective prevention strategies involve a combination of educating people on safe sexual practices, regular testing, open communication with sexual partners, and vaccination where available.
STI Prevention
- Wear a condom. The protective barrier of a condom is very effective at stopping transmission of STIs. Use a non-spermicidal condom as this will not affect your vaginal microbiome.
- There is growing evidence that a healthy vaginal microbiome, dominated with Lactobacillus is important in the prevention and clearance of HPV infections.
- Get the HPV and/or hepatitis b vaccine.
A sexually transmitted infection can last for months or even years if you don’t see a doctor and get it treated. If you think that you may have an infection, you should see your doctor or visit an STI clinic, immediately.
A common treatment for STIs is a course of antibiotics. To help restore the balance of your vaginal microbiome after treatment, you may wish to take a vaginal supplement like our Ultimate V to help restore your vaginal pH.
Frequently asked questions
The 4 strains of special women's vaginal bacteria in our capsules. They are Lactobacillus crispatus, L. rhamnosus, L. gasseri and L. jensenii. This product is clinically researched, patented and contains the right species and strains that are essential for vaginal wellness .
It is safe to take these capsules containing specific vaginal bacteria strains with any medication. If you are currently taking antibiotics it could be beneficial to take them alongside your prescription and for a period after you have finished. Antibiotics will kill some of the good bacteria in your vaginal microbiome as well as the bad so to get the best benefit from these powerful and healthy strains of bacteria take Ultimate V for a few weeks after your last antibiotic to allow them to help re-establish a healthy vaginal microbiome.
The Vaginal pH self-test is a simple swab. You place the tip of the test against the side of your vagina and remove it. The colour of the small indicator changes depending on your vaginal pH. You compare the colour of your swab with the colour on the chart and this will give you your pH number.
Red-green colour blindness is a relatively common condition. If this describes you, kindly ask a friend or family member to assess the outcomes.
High pH levels (over 4.5) are a sign of an imbalanced vaginal flora. A high pH typically denotes the presence of Bacterial Vaginosis (BV), an infection. The majority of the time, this infection is accompanied by a thin, grey discharge with a bad odour that is frequently described as "fishy." It's possible that you have BV if your pH is high even if you don't have this discharge and smell. There is good evidence that supplementing your vaginal microbiome can help with BV and yeast (thrush) infections but if you are worried, you should consult a doctor.
The most frequent reasons why a pH test doesn't work are that it was done incorrectly (i.e., didn't contact the vaginal wall) or that it's difficult to interpret the results from the chart. If you're not sure how to interpret a colour, try asking a friend or relative. Please tell us if the product is defective, and we will promptly send you a replacement.
Many women begin to see a difference in 5-7 days, this is the time it takes for Ultimate V start to re-populating your vaginal microbiome. You should take them consistently to ensure an optimal microbiome which will contribute to freshness and comfort.
A normal, protective pH is between 3.8 and 4.5. You should not be suffering from any unusual discharge (some clear discharge is normal). We have an easy to use self-diagnostic pH test which will help you diagnose a vaginal infection. it is helpful to "Know your Number".
Information on the outer pack specifies the shelf life, which is two years from manufacture. To guarantee that our priceless probiotics are completely effective for the duration of their shelf life, they are packaged in moisture-proof blister packing and kept in a regulated atmosphere. We don't keep our probiotics in jars because they can deteriorate as soon as they come into contact with moist air. We guarantee that the blister packing will provide maximum effectiveness for the full shelf life.
Yes. A pH of 3.8 to 4.5 acidity in the vagina will stop prevent BV bacteria from taking over and regulate the growth of the yeast that causes Thrush. Maintaining pH balance with a microbiome full of Lactobacillus crispatus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus gasseri, and Lactobacillus jensenii will help support a happy and healthy vagina.
No, even probiotics classified as Lactobacillus are often meant for gut health. Vaginal strains of bacteria function very differently from gut germs. The Lactobacillus required by the vagina is perfectly specialised and differs from nearly all other probiotics on the market. Our specific clinically studied vaginal Lactobacillus strains are available only in Perfect pH.
Yes, Ultimate V is safe to take if you have Thrush and is compatible with prescription medicines.
Research shows that the Lactobacillus strains in Ultimate V can compete against Candida, the yeast that causes Thrush. A healthy vaginal microbiome, populated mostly with the Lactobacillus strains found in Perfect pH are supportive of your vaginal wellbeing.
Yes you can. Ultimate V and Ultimate UT are compatible with prescription medicines.
Research has shown that when your vaginal microbiome is populated mainly with the Lactobacillus strains of L. crispatus, L. rhamnosus, L. gasseri and L. jensenii , the chances of getting BV are much less.
Our specific friendly bacteria work by populating your vagina with the ideal species and strains of Lactobacillus that research shows are needed to maintain a healthy vaginal microbiome and optimal vaginal pH. When you swallow a capsule the probiotics are released into your gut where they grow and multiply. They travel out of your body via your bottom. Your vagina is really close to your bottom so this means that it’s easy for the bacteria to move into your vagina and populate it.
Yes, they are safe to take when you are pregnant. Pregnancy is a time when women often get Thrush or BV and maintaining a healthy microbiome will help your body resist these infections.
Common STIs include chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, human papillomavirus (HPV), herpes simplex virus (HSV), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and trichomoniasis.
Yes, STIs can be transmitted through oral sex. Using barriers like condoms or dental dams can reduce the risk.
Yes, it is possible to get the same STI more than once. Having an STI in the past does not provide immunity, so ongoing preventive measures are important. Regular check ups and open communciation with your sexual partners are important.
The frequency of STI testing depends on your sexual activity and risk factors. We recommend being tested for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) every time you switch sexual partners or at least once a year.

Picking the Perfect Probiotic: A How-To Guide!
Choosing the perfect probiotic is like assembling your dream team of tiny superheroes for your vagina. But fear not, fearless reader, because we're about to turn the search for the right probiotic into a party! Get ready to meet your vagina's new best friends, and let the probiotic fiesta begin!
The Power of the Right Probiotics
Look at the ingredients – the bacteria will have a name like Lactobacillus crispatus, this is the SPECIES, it should also have some letters and numbers after it, like LBV88, this is the STRAIN. Generally speaking, probiotic manufacturers will only put the strain on the label if there is some research on the bacteria and it is in the product to do a specific job.