Health Hub

Are BV and Thrush actually infections?
Common vaginal conditions like Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) and Thrush (Candida) are treated as infections with prescription antibiotic and antifungal medicines. We ask whether these problems are actually an imbalance of...
Are BV and Thrush actually infections?
Common vaginal conditions like Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) and Thrush (Candida) are treated as infections with prescription antibiotic and antifungal medicines. We ask whether these problems are actually an imbalance of the Vaginal...

Vaginal health - A Wellness Routine
A wellness routine for your intimate health is as essential as putting on your make-up or cleaning your teeth. Discover an ideal routine for your vaginal health in our guide...
Vaginal health - A Wellness Routine
A wellness routine for your intimate health is as essential as putting on your make-up or cleaning your teeth. Discover an ideal routine for your vaginal health in our guide to intimate...